However, if we are truly honest with ourselves, we have to say that we love having money and further, we do not really want to change our spending habits. Here’s the thing though—it is not about the money! It is about following Jesus. In his book, Dethroning Mammon (Lent reflections of 2017) the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, says this: “Christians should see more clearly, because we have seen Jesus. We are people whose vision has been challenged and corrected, so that we can see the world as it properly is. But seeing badly is still a big problem for most of us most of the time; when we see God and the world wrongly, the problem becomes an issue of great menace. Jesus spent most of his ministry sorting out the mis-seeing of others. The resurrection was the biggest sight-correction of all.” To participate with God in building His Kingdom on earth, we need to ensure that our influence is from Christ. When our vision becomes distorted by non-Godly influences in our lives, we need a sight-correction. 1 5 | u n m a s k i n g m a m m o n Unmasking_Mammon_book_4.5.indd 15 2018-07-11 7:41 AM