Begin to study God’s Word looking for the truth and His guidance. There are resources for consideration in the final section of this booklet. The disciples did not always get it right the first time, not even the second or third. Likewise, we may start and fall, but we need to get back up again and journey onward, learning from our mistakes and growing in wisdom and understanding in this area. It will require trusting the Lord in this process. Trust does not happen overnight, it takes time to grow and mature—so we should allow ourselves time. It is by knowing truth and knowing God’s voice that we defend against the deceptions of those who would seek to steal, kill, and destroy. We need to ask Him to show us how to make changes in our thinking, beliefs, habits and behaviour. The next step is to begin to understand what His Word says about this area. 3 3 | u n m a s k i n g m a m m o n Unmasking_Mammon_book_4.5.indd 33 2018-07-11 7:41 AM