C H A P T E R 4 A Revelation of the Heart Martin Luther said that there are three conversions: the head, the heart and the purse. We give our attention to the first two parts, but rarely the pocketbook. f Martin Luther was correct, then the area of finances matters in our journey of following Jesus—financial discipleship then is not about the money, it is about the surrender to Jesus. Our experiences, beliefs, what we have been taught and observed in our formative years find residence in the heart. So we need to ask ourselves—is it reliable? God says the heart is deceitful. Jeremiah 17:9 & 10 put it this way: “The heart is deceitful about all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and examine the I 2 7 | u n m a s k i n g m a m m o n Unmasking_Mammon_book_4.5.indd 27 2018-07-11 7:41 AM