are prepared to let go of our desires and our need to control the direction of our lives and to yield to His greater plan and purposes for our lives. Often this is not an easy or an immediate process but takes time and consistent determination. It is important not to allow the spirit of mammon to take us off course from finishing strong and completing our eternal assignment. We need to appreciate the wealth the Lord has provided and allows us to create—but we hurt ourselves if we love it more than we love God. Wealth is a tool through which we can bless others. When we trust God instead of earthly riches, we can give generously in the same spirit He gave His Son to us. As we learn what the Bible says about financial discipleship, it needs to become more than factual and informational—we need a revelation of the heart. For it is in that place, where real change takes place—affecting our thinking, beliefs and habits. It is important to remember that God is the Source—our source for all that we need. Surrender is not giving up— it is giving in. 2 9 | u n m a s k i n g m a m m o n Unmasking_Mammon_book_4.5.indd 29 2018-07-11 7:41 AM